The Commercial Law of Vietnam, according to Article 233: “Logistics services are commercial activities whereby traders perform one or more tasks including receiving goods, transporting, storing, storing, and carrying out customs procedures. , other paperwork, customer consulting, packaging, marking, delivery or other services related to the goods as agreed with the customer for remuneration. “

In the simplest way, Logistics Vietnam is the best service to provide and transport goods from production to consumers. Logistics Vietnam job is to plan specifically, control the movement of goods or information about raw materials from the point of origin to the point of consumption according to customer requirements. In order to compete effectively in this industry, Logistics Vietnam had to always improve and pay attention to quantity, quality, time and cost of services.

Logistics Vietnam is part of the overall supply chain of many cargo-related jobs. From the process of packing, transporting, storing, and preserving until the goods are delivered to the end consumer. In general, Logistics activities can be seen including:

Customer service
Forecast of customer demand
Information in distribution
Control the storage process
Material transportation
Manage the ordering process
Factory and warehouse site selection
Collect goods
Packing, loading and unloading
Classification of goods.
Customs procedures…

If you only look at a glance, you will easily mistake, Logistics Vietnam is just a transportation service. In fact, Logistics Vietnam brings a very broad and very important concept to all businesses, especially manufacturing enterprises.